Dr. John E. Johnson

Dr. John E. Johnson

Does God Still Speak In Our Noisy World?

Does God still speak? Is there a frequency we must locate, in which His voice is unmistakably clear? For me, it’s not an easy question to answer. On one hand, I count on the fact God speaks. I would have nothing to say from the pulpit from which I preach three times each week if I did not believe God speaks. I read the numerous stories in Scripture in which God speaks—be it through a burning bush, a quiet whisper, a voice in the night, or a talkative donkey. On a mountain, the disciples clearly heard God speak, “This is My beloved Son, I take delight in Him, listen to Him!” I read of powerful encounters (Teresa of Avila), hear from people who have sensed the Spirit speaking into their lives in ways seemingly as real. Clearly God is a God who speaks.

And yet, God can seem so silent. I cannot say I have had tangible moments in which His voice has been audible such that it was clearly a tenor or a baritone sound. I cannot describe an experience like Jim Houston (Joyful Exiles: Life in Christ on the Dangerous Edge), in which he awakened in the night by a bright line and an overwhelming presence of God. I have had no angelic visions, no mystical encounters with strangers from heaven (well, maybe). In my travels, particularly to third world countries, I have spoken with believers who have shared amazing encounters with Jesus in dreams, moments that led to redemption and healing.

-to read the rest of the article go to Trans-formed

1 Comment
  • Ren
    11:44 PM, 8 January 2012

    Good point of view! for me God is like a nature so silent most of the time but when the nature speaks it was so powerful..

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